Showing Up for Racial Justice
2 min readJun 8, 2020


Another world is possible: solidarity with Minneapolis

Living in a world without police violence is possible and is on its way.

Yesterday, nine Minneapolis City Council members publicly committed to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department and begin a community led process to re-imagine and reinvest in a transformative model of community safety. The people are speaking and Minneapolis is showing the world that transformation and abolition of the policing and prison system is possible in our lifetimes.

Black, indigenous, and people of color-led movements and organizations have been dreaming of, planning for, and working towards a world without police for generations. Minneapolis is showing us that defunding the police is possible. As the Movement for Black Lives explains, this is about investing in “Black communities, determined by Black communities, and divestment from exploitative forces including prisons, fossil fuels, police, surveillance and exploitative corporations.” Re-investing police budgets in education, healthcare, and community safety is possible.

We know that for decades the greedy few and the Right have used racist fear-mongering to divest from public health infrastructure, good housing and healthcare and instead pump money into police departments implementing social control and retributive — not restorative justice. At Showing Up for Racial Justice, we refuse to accept the lie that our communities are safer with more police.

Join us this week to deepen your commitment to fighting for a transformed world.

New to racial justice and curious about the role of white people in this work? Join us Tuesday at 8:00 EST by registering here.



Showing Up for Racial Justice

SURJ is a national network that organizes white communities to join fights for racial and economic justice.